Inauguration Day - President Obama
Today I witnessed history!
To start off an incredible day, I looked out the kitchen window and saw snow! Real snow! The predicted flurries had arrived... albiet somewhat weak but still I wasn't complaining. See, my snow dance is working! :-)The snow petered out but more will come, of that I am sure. I'm singing the snow song on almost a daily basis: Let it snow
On a snow high, we drove to Independence, Missouri and joined several hundred people in the Truman Museum theatre to watch, live on CNN, the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States -- the first black president, a moment in history that was incredible and unforgettable.
I am beyond proud to have been a part of it! If I had known the words to the national anthem, I'd have sung along with everyone else, hand on heart and all. It was difficult not be moved, this is an event watched and weighed upon by the world and it couldn't have come at a better time.
This theatre was one of hundreds (possibly thousands) around the country where Americans gathered to watch this event and to cheer for the man they see as their hope for the future.
Em and I arrived to a near empty carpark and the expectation that we could have the theatre to ourselves. That perception dissolved upon starting up the ramp to the building because from the other direction came a throng of adolescents; a disparate group of young adults with varying degrees of attention to personal attire and acne reduction. One young guy dressed in army fatigues and sporting a mop of unbrushed blond hair caught my eye and I whispered to Em that he looked like he would rather shoot his fellow students than sit with them. Appearances are not everything though, and two young guys (without prompting from their teacher) stopped the line and ushered us through. Civalry it seems is not dead, especially in midwest America.
Once inside, we collected our free (souvenir) tickets and queued into the theatre. It was dark inside with many people already seated and the rest of us stumbling along in the hope of snagging a seat. We did and once comfortably ensconced, we sat back to allow history to unfold before us.There were no flash cameras allowed. Though some people did use them, I did not feel it my place (as an international visitor) to shun the rules so I relied on the ambient light to capture some shots and video.
As the former presidents and first ladies walked down the steps and to their places, the crowd in the theatre responded with varying degrees of enthusiasm. When Bill and Hilary Clinton appeared, the theatre rang with applause. In sharp contrast, George Bush received nothing but silence, a contrasting absence of appreciation and sound. Later, as a token of respect no doubt, some applause accompanied his appearance on the steps and as he walked to his seat -- it was a far cry from the joyous applause granted to Barack Obama and his family. This a man much loved by America, and it makes me incredibly proud.The ceremony ran late, and the commentator warned early on that Barack would become president before the swearing in ceremony. When that became a reality a man beside me shook his head and expressed some mild dissatisfaction, but that soon passed as Biden was sworn in and then Barack and his family stepped up.
I videoed the taking of the vow, including Barack's slip-up which endeared him to be even more. Best of all this video shows the audience response. I'm sure I teared up at this point. I mean, who wouldn't!? :-)
Obama's taking of the vow: Truman Museum theatre, Independence MO
We stayed around to watch the President's poet, then to stand as everyone sang the national anthem. A woman behind me had a sweet voice and she sang with all her heart. It made me wish I knew the words.
Outside the theatre, the local news team interviewed people and Emily suggested I go up as an Australian representative. I laughed, but didn't go.One of the news crew saw us trying to find an impromptu tripod and so took this photo of us. He waved aside my compliment of his photographic skills, but I was impressed by the care he took to frame the shot and to get the right exposure -- no quick snap-snap by that guy.
From there we headed to the shopping mall, the same place that when I was here last time I was told not to take photos... so this time I didn't take photos. We wandered around looking at clothes, trying to find an Obama t-shirt. One store had some but there weren't any styles that I liked and even if i had, the sizes were all too large.
The shop assistants, several college aged students with Goth tendencies, chattered between themselves and part of the conversation was the great rush on Obama merchandise prior to the Inauguration. What they did have in stock was an Obama singing doll, but that was just too creepy for words.
We tried Target after that and I was surprised to find that Targets over here are combined manchester and groceries. See, even on my third stay in the US, I'm still surprised by things. By now I should feel like a local, and in some ways I do.
Of note is that prices have gone up in the 18 months since I was last here, especially clothes. They are now on a par with Australian prices, especially when I take into account the exchange rate. I saw some things that I might have liked but the prices put me off. I'll try thrift stores instead.
We headed home and I got online and found a great long sleeve t-shirt. I've ordered it to have it delivered here.
Later, we headed to the gym and then back home for dinner with the intention of having an early night, but clearly my timezone acclimitizing isn't quite up to scratch just yet and we again stayed up late scrap-booking and talking writing, with beer and chips, of course.
We tried two new beers, one with lime added and the other is a local, Sam's I think. Neither were particularly great, but not undrinkable. We have plenty of others to try though and the days are still very young.
All in all though, I had an incredible day! One I will remember a long time!
Nice Picture of the two of you and I am excited for you that you got to see the Obama thing :) I woke up that morning to hearing Obama's voice and wondered wtf? before I realised Dad had the upstairs TV going lol
*hug* Glad you're proud to be part of American history!! I would have missed out if you weren't here, you know. Thank you for your enthusiasm.
I found a thing on the slip-up:
What a day!!Just wished we could have found some shirts...
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