Liberty Park and the best thrift store ever!
Again this morning I slept in. I must be getting older because it's taking me longer to adjust to the time zones. I'm determined tonight to get an early night and to rise earlier tomorrow... at least earlier than 10:30am.
Em had to work this afternoon so by the time I got up and we got out of the house, we didn't have a lot of time left to do much. Despite that, we did manage to get in some photo time and a visit to a thrift store where I personally funded the owner's next overseas vacation. *laughs* Well, almost.
First stop was Liberty Park, an area of parkland midway between Em's work and home.It's a small but beautiful parkland with paved paths and large areas of lawn beside which creeks flow... or sit frozen solid as the case may be.
The park is bordered on two sides by housing estates. One house in particular caught my eye. It's three storeys with a full length balcony around the second storey and a smaller balcony on the third. It must be amazing inside, if it's well designed.Along the main path I saw my first real life cardinal, a bright red bird with a crest. Despite my best attempts at photographing it, all I managed was to capture a fuzzy red blotch, but I'm sharing that anyway... it is my first cardinal, afterall. Maybe next time I'll see one in the snow!? *keeps fingers crossed*
Further on we found the creek, frozen over which made me bleat with happiness! Who knew frozen water could be so magical!?On the way back we came across a small flock of birds. Emily tells me they're robins, so of course they had to be photographed as well.
From there we went to a thrift store located in a small warehouse lot near Em's work. We parked in front of elevated timber door with metal steps leading up to it. Affixed to the door was opening hours written in pen on paper but other than that, no indication that this was an operational store. I was hesitant but Em assured me that this was a legitimate thrift store and not the Liberty headquarters of the Hells Angel's motorcycle gang.
We stepped inside. What first appeared to be a small room with old clothes on racks and bric-a-brac on shelves and hanging from walls, became a substantial building with adjoining rooms of recycled and vintage goods. I found a small metal tin with a bald eagle on the lid and Em found some Hallmark collectables. Our confidence built and we searched more thoroughly and with increasing certainty of netting ourselves some great stuff. We were in heaven!
Some time later Em realised she was late for work but I wasn't done yet. She left me the things she had found so far and I started sorting through the necklaces and broaches. I'd also spied an emerald green dress and asked Carrie (the proprietor) if I could try it on. It's an A-line dress, flowing and soft, lined inside and with feathered netting on the top half. It's simply gorgeous and I was hoping it would fit.
It not only fit, but it fitted perfectly as though it were made for me! I did a little happy dance and trotted back to the counter. Now, of course, I needed a jacket to go with it and maybe even a hat. Carrie searched and sorted, aware of every item in her warehouse and able to immediately locate it. By the time I returned to the cash register I had so many things that I could barely carry it all. Then, while waiting for her to tally everything up (because she was giving discount upon discount off the already great prices), I spied a black leather jacket with black fur lining and a hood. My eyes boggled and my hands grabbed.
One quick changing room visit later and I'd snagged myself a new leather jacket. It even squeaks when I walk, and it's so soft, so heavy, soooo warm and oh so decadent! Mum, remember those jackets I tried on at Savers... well this one puts those to shame. *big grin*
Carrie also sells products online, thought it's hard to beat actually walking through a store like this. It's like an op-shop and an antique store and a recycled boutique all packaged into one. Her online store is here: Urban Resell.
We also got chatting and I found she really is an amazing woman who has travelled a lot, experienced much and values living every day to the fullest. She's now raising four children all under the age of 12 and is running her own business. She's an incredible woman and I plan on visiting her store several more times before I have to return home.
From there I carried my bulging bags across to Em's work (which is just across the street) and there I showed off my loot to her colleagues. Many appropriate oohs and aahs later, I stashed everything in the car and came back inside to keep Em company while she finished up her work day.
We came back home and I changed into more dressier clothes, tidied my room (finally emptied my suitcases and got everything stored neatly), set my USA tin and miniature pewter chairs onto my bed head, stored my new necklaces and clothes then put on the new jacket and out we went. Tonight we had dinner at Em's mum's house, a lovely warm and inviting home in the country where the stars are endless and the cold air is crisp.
Elaine, Em's mum, welcomed me with a warm hug as though I were an old friend. We only met a couple of times when I was here last, but I immediately felt comfortable and right at home. Mike and Myka also greeted me, with Mike welcoming me back to America. I loved that! I've had several welcome to America's now, and each one feels as good as the last.
We toured Myka's new room, which looks fantastic with white and green striping on the walls and colour coordinated bedspread and pillows. Myka still had the huge ball of tape left from taping the walls prior to painting.
Mike gave me some background information on how the room had come to be and his experiences as a carpenter. He also told me a little about his surgery and medical status and I admire his spirit.
We had a wonderful meal, a dish that's similar to shepherds pie but simpler and with swiss cheese on top. It tasted delicious and will be on my list of recipes to bake back at home. With it was peas and pickled... gherkins? I think. Em?? Help me out here. Whatever they were, I loved them and we're going to be getting some for me to have here and I'll have them when I get back home. You have just a few as a side dish, but the sour/sweet contrast is divine!
For dessert we had freshly baked cookies dipped in milk. I'd never have thought to do that, but it's such a great idea and tastes delicious. Some of my most cherished memories of this trip will be things like this night and sitting around dipping oven warm cookies into milk. Surely you can't get more American than that!? Now I just need the snow.... *sends snow thoughts toward sky*
After dinner we migrated to the living room and all sat around in front of a large screen television (yes, bigger than mine but not as big as Tonyas) to watch American Idol outtakes. I adore the outtakes and always watch the Aussie version. It's the best part of the show. As always, it was highly entertaining.
When the show finished we headed home as Em has to work all day tomorrow and I have to try to get into a proper wake/sleep pattern. As it was, I didn't fall asleep until at least two hours after I went to bed, but I did get some more reading done which was good.
I swear though, if I weren't such a proud Australian I'd immigrate immediately! I never thought it possible to feel so at home while not at home. At one stage Mike said that people in Kansas City are some of the friendliest in the country, and you know what, I believe him.
Sounds like you're having a great time! Makes me more and more excited to take my trip when it comes up. I'm loving seeing your trip through your photos and hearing about. Thrift stores are great huh. Loved the story on this one :)
Mom will love to hear that you enjoyed her dinner so much. ;) And I think that's exactly what it was supposed to be: shepherd's pie but simpler. *shrugs*
Your coat is awesome--why no picture?? No modeling in the mirror?? Oh well.
Glad you had fun today. *hug*
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