USA - Flying from LAX to Kansas City
Flying from Los Angeles to Kansas City (Midwest Airlines).
We took from from LAX and briefly headed out over the ocean before turning back toward the mainland to head east.
Prior to take off, the pilot informed us that we were taking the reverse of a flight he had taken this morning. During the morning flight he had been granted supreme views of the Grand Canyon due to the clear cold weather. He suggested we keep an eye out for similar views. I'm not sure what my fellow passengers did, but I sure as hell kept my eyes to the windows, which was easy given my rear and window seating.
True to his word, we were afforded some beautiful views. The below batch of photos show Arizona below -- Canyon country.
If the desert and burned browns weren't beautiful enough, further inland we came across snow. At first I didn't recognise it as such, being so used to seeing inland salt lakes. It soon dawned on me that this wasn't salt I was seeing, but snow. Lots and lots of snow! Best guess, this is New Mexico, near the Colorado state line.For a while here I wondered if we'd slipped off course and headed to Antarctica instead. How beautiful is this!? What an incredible way to start my winter holiday!Imagine living in this little town in the centre of a vast snow wasteland. I think this is either Colorado or Kansas.
These shots below are my favourites because of the contrast between the plains, the inky black mountains and the chocolate coloured sands that seem to deny the presence of snow. Once we left the snow behind we had about another hour flying time into Kansas City, which is beautiful in its own right.
As I'm staring out the window I think I see frozen water... surely not!?
Ohmygosh!! It *is* frozen water... and there's a frozen river!!! I love this place!! :-)
And then I landed and Emily and Lucky met me and my holiday has officially begun!!! :-)
These photos are awesome! And really clear considering they are taken from a plane window! Beautiful! Cant wait to see more from your holiday eventually :)
Tara x0x
LOL--surely you had to be a LITTLE unsure about all this snow!! I mean, who wouldn't look down at that and want to go back home?!
Great shots, I'm really glad you kept your camera with you so these views could be shared. I think that perhaps this is the best way to see the mountains in the winter... the way The Creator sees them every day.
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